Friday, December 26, 2008

Some Do's and Dont's

This women here has come along way. The hair is appropriate and the color is perfect. Ms Mary accents her breast with a hint of cleavage slightly showing. Slight accessories with the wedding ring and the watch. Makeup is perfect and blends very well. What helps the outfit is that her body is right. Everyone marvels at the stars especially the ones that work out but you have to remember this takes time and energy to get to this point.

This is why you shouldn't wear that belt. Even though the waist on Raven and Serena are small there is still a level of inappropriateness. These belts are not hiding anything but bringing attention to the size of the chest. Please stop wearing the belts please!

Why thick leggings are the obvious choice for the winter time. The leggings give this outfit and shoes a different looks instead of going bare legged. Step our games up and bring Classy and Style back.

Expect more ways of rocking certain outfits and where to find them.



rooksie said...

A definite don't.....Ladies if you are above the age of 5....You SHOULD not and I dont want to see you wearing a STINGY poofball sitting directly on the top of your head like you are a fraggle or somthing....this is a definite no-no...I understand that we are now rocking our natural hair and we want to pull it back some times...but ehhh no not on the top of your hear especially when your know it took you about 12hrs...just to pull that stingy poofball up there...anyway

Single Girl N Da City said...

Very good point. We have to be mindful that certain styles are not for us. I strongly suggest investing in Carol's Daughter products for natural hair care. Everybody can not rock the natural look. And the Poofball on top of the head is not a good look if you couldn't pull it off as a youngster. Hint of Advice: Look in the mirror, if you have any doubts don't do it!

"Use the mirror as your guide, you can't guide the mirror!"